Developing Disciples
     Following Jesus is a journey. Everybody has to start some where. At New Salem, we attempt to meet you wherever you happen to be on that path, and help you get to where you need to be. Along the way, we seek to help you get connected to a community of people who are on the same road, so that we can encourage each other along the way. Below are some of the vehicles we use to help you develop as a disciple.
Bible Study Groups
(a.k.a “Sunday School”)
Sundays @9:30 AM
     We encourage everyone to get connected with a Bible Study Group, where you can deepen your knowledge of the Bible, develop friendships with others who are on the discipleship journey, and discover God’s unique plan for you. Bible Study groups meet weekly for about an hour, and you can join at any time.  Most meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM on New Salem’s campus (although we are experimenting with alternatives for people who find that schedule inconvenient).
     We have groups for children, teenagers, and adults. Most are organized around age or stage of life, but a few are organized by common interests.
    It’s easy to get involved!  Just tell one of the greeters in the main lobby that you are looking for a Bible Study Group to try out, and they will be happy to help you find a group that might be right for you. You can also contact our church office for assistance in selecting the right group.
-Nursery (ages 0-3, in the nursery area)
-Children (combined in the Children’s Church area, but hoping to split into age groups soon)
-Youth (Middle & Senior High, meeting in New Salem’s Unity Building)
-Adulting 101 (young couples, meeting across from the church office)
-the Doves (open to all ladies, meeting in the Dove classroom)
-Mixed Adults (open to everyone else, meeting in the Harvester’s classroom)
Small Groups
     Small Groups are similar for Bible Study Groups, but only meet for a limited time (usually 6-10 weeks) and are typically focused on a particular topic (such as “How to Pray”, “Christian Parenting”, “Dealing with Disappointment”, etc). We try to offer several small group studies throughout the year. For a list of upcoming groups, contact New Salem’s office, or check our homepage.
Designated Ministries
     In addition to Bible study groups and small groups, New Salem also has ministries designed for the specific needs of disciples at specific stages of life, such as kids, students, and senior adults. These ministries facilitate opportunities for specific groups to worship, study, fellowship and serve together.  For more information, click on the link below.
The Library
     For those who wish to go deeper, New Salem maintains a well-stocked library of resources on Christian living, Biblical studies, and leadership development. We also have lot of books for children, and , for your leisure reading, a selection of Christian Fiction by some of today’s most popular authors. The Library is open before and after each service.
     Miss a sermon? Want to listen to a particular message again?   You may listen to several of our most recent sermons  right from this site. You can also view a video archive of our most recent service in its entirety.
Introducing RightNow Media
     Content from some of the world’s best-known Bible teachers and conference speakers delivered directly to your device! Thanks to a special arrangement with our partners at the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, New Salem is pleased to make the digital library of RightNow Media available to every family in our church. Click the image to learn how you can access this incredible resource.
Personal Bible Reading Plan
     Researchers say that regular Bible reading is a key predictor of spiritual development. Why not set aside a few minutes each day to read and reflect upon the scriptures? Download this free guide to help you track your progress as you read through the Bible: NSBC Bible Reading Plan 2022-Revised